Prep for Paint

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Denis Sherlock

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Prep for Paint
By: Denis Sherlock ~ 8/15/2013

RottenSiding.pngThis is the time of year when everyone wants to paint there home.  Here are a few things to consider before the painter comes out.
Take a close look at your siding - bring a pen with you as you can poke into questionable areas.  If the pen sinks in with ease, the siding has probably had some moister damage and will not take paint very well and those areas will need to be replaced.

PaintingPreparation.jpgI would pay close attention to the south side, that is where most homes take the brunt of the weather. Other areas that take a lot of weather are the chimneys and fascia boards. The fascia boards often are damaged from a leaking gutter, so if you have to repair any be sure the gutter has been fixed so that your new board and paint job is not compromised.  As for choosing a painter, the lowest bid is not always the best choice, pay close attention to the kind of paint you use, and that all the prep work has been done. Check the siding, then scraping, sanding, priming and then painting!